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Kundli lite app - Hindi Kundli Software with Remedies for.

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Hindi Kundli Software with Remedies for Astrologers

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It could be the personal horoscope. Suggestions are also given on alms or charity to be done and poojas to be performed during the period of the harmful dasa. Various charts are prepared after making the necessary calculations such as the rasi chart, Hora chart, Upagraha Chart , Drekkana chart, Chaturthamsa chart, Saptamsa chart, Navamsa chart, Dasamsa chart, Dwadasamsa chart, Shodasamsa chart, Vimsamsa chart, Chatur Vimsamsa chart, Bhamsa chart, Trimsamsa chart, web site Khavedamsa chart, Akshavedamsa chart, Shashtiamsa chart, Ashtakavarga Charts and Tables. Manglik is used in kundli in worst scenario of marriage condition. Shopkeepers and vendors will also find this astrology software extremely useful to earn high returns on your investment.

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Astro-Vision LifeSign Astrology Software is one of the few Indian Astrology Software products providing such Astrology predictions. This app contians every topics in hindi with full details. All charts, calculations and analysis provided in this LifeSign Horoscope software are based on Vedic Astrology. According to astrology, the positions of different planets in sky at the time of birth impacts us throughout our lives, it carves our personalities, our inclinations and our nature. This will help you deliver different types of horoscope reports at various prices to your customers. Our vast client base bears testimony to the fact that Astro-Vision LifeSign is the best astrology software available.


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. No special permission required to run this app. While analysing the effect of the Dasa and Apahara, web site the strength of planets is judged by their positions in Sapta Varga. Astro-Vision LifeSign also provides the bhava chart as well as the bhava table. अॅस्ट्रोविषन ज्योतिष सॉफ्टवेयर विकास और इसके प्रमुख सॉफ्टवेयर में अग्रणी है, अॅस्ट्रोविषन लाइफसाइन 14.


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These remedies include suggested dress to be worn during the dasa period, devata bhajanam, morning prayers to be chanted along with specific instructions to be followed while chanting, if any. The nirayana longitude of the planets, the rasi, the longitude in the rasi, the star as well as star pada is calculated. Astro-Vision is a pioneer in astrology software development and its flagship software, Astro-Vision LifeSign 14. Our computer horoscope software provides predictions based on the Ashtakavarga system. Predictions for apahara bhukti are also given for twenty five years. The time frame of each apahara is also given.

Hindi Kundli Software with Remedies for Astrologers

kundli lite app

Astro-Vision LifeSign Software gives detailed predictions based on the effect of the Dasa and Apahara starting from the current dasa onwards. The Star, star lord, sub lord as well as sub-sub lord is calculated for each planet. You can even choose from the templates available in Astro-Vision LifeSign 14. Kundli App is in hindi language. Unfavourable dasa periods and the remedial rites to be observed during that period are also given. All the remedies suggested are also mentioned with the time during which they need to be followed.

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The dasa as well as dasa balance at birth is also provided along with the rasi chart and navamsa chart. The Ashtakavarga system is a predictive method of Indian Astrology that uses a system of points based upon planetary positions. Fasting to be observed along with specific instructions about the kind of food that one can eat. Your Janam Kundli or birh-chart is a cosmic map of our solar system at the time of your birth. Mantras to be chanted during the dasa period are also given. This is the offline app means For reading the content of this app, you do not have to pay for learning astrology Kundli through this app.

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मीन Pisces Janm Kundali ka parichay. All tantra, mantra and yagna is done with the Kundli. This app provides you complete information about kundli. Kundli is based on the Hindu jyothish sastra. Moreover, in many Indian family people match the janmakshar before getting married. Our astrology software enables our clients to offer computerised astrology services commercially.

Download Kundli Lite Android Apps APK

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